Hello, my name is Gloria Ho, and I'm a full-stack web developer.

Travel Pals

A trip planning web app where users can create and manage intineraries, finances, and travel group members.


Boogle App (Contributor)

A web app where users can search for book info and previews, save read status, and read/write reviews.

Demo Github

Pamela's Panel

An admin panel for a fictitious school where the administrator can create users and complete common administrative tasks.

Demo Github

Personal Pokedex

A Pokemon trainer showcase website that displays information focused around 3 Pokemon.

Demo Github

Friendly Bakery

A fullstack bakery website that displays information on goods offered for sale as well as enables someone to receive a catalog of items sold via email.

Demo Github

Rumblr Blog

A blog website that enables someone to sign up for an account and create relevant posts and read other users' posts.

Demo Github

Fresh Tomatoes

A static web page allowing visitors to browse movies and watch the trailers.


Munder Difflin Blog

A one page website for a fictional paper company that is exciting for the end user.

Demo Github